I just have the string \u0130smail
and I want to convert it to
İsmail and also convert
\u0130 --> İ
\u00E7 --> ç
I tried
String str = "\u0130smail";
and it worked, but whenever I get the string "\u0130smail"
from the DB or the internet it doesn't give the correct result.
static String deneme(String string){
String string2 = null;
try {
byte[] utf8 = string.getBytes("UTF-8");
string2 = new String(utf8, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return string2;
didn't work either.
Strings "\u0130smail"
and "İsmail"
are absolutely the same from the language standpoint. If you mean that you get a string "\\u0130smail"
(note that I've escaped the backslash), then you will have to find the pattern of the unicode code points and convert them to normal unicode letters or just print the number, whichever you need. Regular expressions could help you in this case.