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Drupal 7 theme(''pager') -> table get's rendered but without Pager?

I have a table with data from the database, I would like it to have a Pager, I have all the code from an example (of among other sites, and my table get's rendered, but it doesn't generate a pager, although I have more rows then the limit:

enter image description here

the function:

function get_loyaltycodes(){
$headers = array(
        'data' => t('Code')
        'data' => t('Info')
        'data' => t('Points')
        'data' => t('Consumed by')
$limit = variable_get('codes_per_page',5);
$query = db_select('loyalty_codes','lc');
$query -> fields('lc',array('code','info','points','uid'))
       -> orderBy('','ASC')
       -> extend('PagerDefault')
       -> limit($limit);

 //to see all codes for a certain amount of points, just append the number of points to the URL    
 $arg = arg(2);
 if($arg != '' && is_numeric($arg))
    $query->condition('points', $arg);

// Fetch the result set.
 $result = $query->execute();
 $rows = array();
  // Loop through each item and add to the $rows array.
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    $rows[] = array(

  // Format output.
  $output = theme('table', array('header' => $headers, 'rows' => $rows)) . theme('pager');

  return $output;

the $limit variable is set to 5 in the settings form, and it is 5 in the database too.

Anybody who has any idea in why the pager is not showing? perhaps something in the formatting off the output?

Help is very much appreciated!


  • apparently I can't log in right know because I'm behind a firewall, anyway I seem to have fixed it, stupid mistake though:

    the ‘->extend(‘PagerDefault’) extension in the query had to be the first function in the daisy chain. If not there is no error but the function seems to not be called.

    $query = db_select('loyalty_codes','lc')
            -> fields('lc',array('code','info','points','uid'))
            -> orderBy('','ASC')
            -> limit(5);//$limit);