I have a maven project, project A depends on project B, A is a GWT web project, in project A's pom:
and B project's packaging is jar. Everything works fine till now. But i need to add some integrated test on project B, which need to turn project B's packaging to war, so it can setup a web environment that i can run the integrated test cases.
Then when i run/debug project A using Google Eclipse plugin, project B's jar never copied to project A's target/A-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/lib, and runtime class not foundexception thrown. My questions is how to solve problem like this, i need the integrated testcases in B and i also would like to debug in project A. Any help are appreciated.
After reading more carefully about http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-lifecycle.html and http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/plugin-info.html I thought i have come up with a solution: leave project B as jar packaging as it should be, then bind maven-war-plugin's exploded goal to maven package lifecycle, then when installing project B, it create a exploded war directory just before running integrated tests even it is not a war project. And also thanks to the people who give solutions.