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netbeans IDE: how to delete data source

I have a Java Web application that contains a Persistence unit. In this persistence unit I can select an existing data source or create a new data source. When I run this web application on the build in glassfish server, the data source is created on the build in glassfish server. Also a connection pool is created.

I can delete the data source and / or connection pool on the build in glassfish server. This does not delete the data source from the Netbeans IDE. When I run the web application again, the data sources and connection pools are recreated.

How can I delete the data source and connection pools in the netbeans IDE? I can't find this functionality anywhere.

I want to delete the existing data sources and connection pools because I have an problem with a new data source / connection pool. To make sure that there is no mix up happening somewhere between the data sources / connection pools I want to remove the old ones that I am not using anymore.


  • The file you are looking for is called glassfish-resources.xml (or sun-resources.xml). It stores all the server resources that are deployed with your application. It can be found in the setup directory of your project (in Netbeans "Files" tag).