Users can set the background-color of a button through a textbox that accept RGB hexadecimal notation: ff00ff
, ccaa22
, etc. So I need to set the text color to the opposite. Not sure about the terminology (opposite color) but the idea is assure readability.
You can invert the background color and use it as foreground color. The following algorithm produces results identical to the "Image > Adjustments > Invert" color command in Photoshop:
function invertColor(hexTripletColor) {
var color = hexTripletColor;
color = color.substring(1); // remove #
color = parseInt(color, 16); // convert to integer
color = 0xFFFFFF ^ color; // invert three bytes
color = color.toString(16); // convert to hex
color = ("000000" + color).slice(-6); // pad with leading zeros
color = "#" + color; // prepend #
return color;
* Demonstration
function randomColor() {
var color;
color = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x1000000); // integer between 0x0 and 0xFFFFFF
color = color.toString(16); // convert to hex
color = ("000000" + color).slice(-6); // pad with leading zeros
color = "#" + color; // prepend #
return color;
$(function() {
$(".demolist li").each(function() {
var c1 = randomColor();
var c2 = invertColor(c1);
$(this).text(c1 + " " + c2).css({
"color": c1,
"background-color": c2
body { font: bold medium monospace; }
.demolist { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; overflow: hidden; }
.demolist li { float: left; width: 5em; height: 5em; text-align: center; }
<ul class="demolist">
<script src=""></script>
Note that this is not a bullet-proof solution. Colors that are close to 50% brightness and/or saturation will not produce sufficient contrast.