I'm working in a C/C++ mixed project that has the following situation.
I need to have a iteration to go through very small chunks (rarely larger chunks as well) in a file one by one. Ideally, I should just read them once consecutively. I think will be a better solution in this case to read a big chunk into a buffer and consume it later, rather than read each of them instantly when I need.
The problem is, how do I balance the cache size? Is there any well-known algorithm/library that I can take advantage of?
UPDATE: (changes the title)
Thanks for you guys' replies and I understand there are different levels of caching mechanism working in our boxes. But that not enough in my case.
I think I missed something important here. Actually I'm building an application upon an existing framework, in which requesting reads to the engine frquently will cost too much for me. (Yes, i believe the engine do take advantage of OS and disk level caches.) And what I'm trying to do is indeed to build an application level pre-fetching system.
in general you should try to use what the OS gives you, rather than creating your own cache (because you run the risk of caching twice). for linux, you can request OS level caching via readahead(); i don't know what the windows equivalent would be.
looking into this some more, there is also a block level (ie disk) parameter, set via blockdev --setra. it's probably not a good idea to change that on your system (unless it is dedicated to just this one task), but if the value there (blockdev --getra) is already larger than your typical chunk size then you may not need to do anything else.
[and just to address the other point mentioned in the question comments - while an OS will cache file data in free memory, i don't believe that it will pre-emptively read an otherwise unread file (apart from to meet the requirements above). but if anyone knows otherwise, please post details...]