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MPL-like vector with variadic templates: Insertion

I am wondering how one would write a Boost MPL-like vector_c using variadic templates. I already wrote the following snippet of code:

template <std::size_t element, std::size_t ... E>
struct vector
    typedef vector<E ...> next;

    static constexpr std::size_t size()
        return sizeof... (E);

    static constexpr std::size_t value()
        return element;

template <std::size_t element>
struct vector<element>
    // no need to define 'next' here

    static constexpr std::size_t size()
        return 1;

    static constexpr std::size_t value()
        return element;

You may notice that vector must have at least one element in it, but that is not really a restriction for me. With the definitions above, it is very easy to write "functions" for accessing the elements for a given index:

template <std::size_t index, typename T>
struct get
    typedef typename get<index - 1, typename T::next>::type type;

template <typename T>
struct get<0, T>
    typedef T type;

For example, get<1, vector<1, 2, 3>> returns the correct result 2. Now my question: How would one implement an insert function? The reason I am not using MPL is that when I tried its insert<>, it did not return a vector_c. In particular, an insertion should be applied like this:

insert<vector<1, 3, 4>, 1, 2>::type
//     ^                ^  ^
//     type            at  element

which must yield vector<1, 2, 3, 4>. It that possible?


  • In terms of Haskell,

    insert list 0 element = element : list
    insert list at element = (head list) : insert (tail list) (at-1) element 

    and translating this to C++ templates:

    // insert list at element =
    template <typename List, size_t at, size_t element>
    struct Insert
        typedef typename
            // insert (tail list) (at-1) element
            Insert<typename List::next, at-1, element>::type::
            // (head list) : …
            template push_front<List::value()>::type
    // insert list 0 element = 
    template <typename List, size_t element>
    struct Insert<List, 0, element>
        // element : list
        typedef typename List::template push_front<element>::type type;

    Note that you need to define the primitive push_front in both vector's:

    template <std::size_t element, std::size_t ... E>
    struct vector<element, E...>
        template <size_t x>
        struct push_front
            typedef vector<x, element, E...> type;