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How do I set a singular check_box in formtastic using Mongoid?

In my model

field :resizable, type: Boolean, default: true

Things I have tried in formtastic:

= f.input :resizable, :as => :check_boxes # This produces two textboxes
= f.input :resizable # This produces an input field
= f.input :resizable, :as => :check_box # This produces an error

The error I get on as: :check_box is:

ActionView::Template::Error (Formtastic::UnknownInputError):

When I use, as: :radio it works.


  • I don't think :check_box isn't a formtastic input. Also your form isn't bound to a model (from what I can see)

    Just remove the :as param and you should be set.

    Follow the example on Ryan Bates' screen cast here

    <% semantic_form_for @model do |f| %>  
      <% f.inputs do %>  
        <%= f.input :name %>  
        <%= f.input :born_on %>  
        <%= f.input :category %>  
        <%= f.input :female %>  
      <% end %>  
      <%= f.buttons %>  
    <% end %>

    If model has a field female which is a boolean then it will render as a checkbox. When you are specifying the :as arguement you are essentially overriding the default input type for that field.