Is there a (more or less at least) standard int class for c++?
If not so, is it planned for say C++13 and if not so, is there any special reasons?
OOP design would benefit from it I guess, like for example it would be nice to have an assignment operator in a custom class that returns an int:
int i=myclass;
and not
int i=myclass.getInt();
OK, there are a lot of examples where it could be useful, why doesn't it exist (if it doesn't)?
It is for dead reckoning and other lag-compensating schemes and treating those values as 'normal' variables will be nice, hopefully anyway!.
it would be nice to have an assignment operator in a custom class that returns an int
You can do that with a conversion operator:
class myclass {
int i;
myclass() : i(42) {}
// Allows implicit conversion to "int".
operator int() {return i;}
myclass m;
int i = m;
You should usually avoid this, as the extra implicit conversions can introduce ambiguities, or hide category errors that would otherwise be caught by the type system. In C++11, you can prevent implicit conversion by declaring the operator explicit
; then the class can be used to initialise the target type, but won't be converted implicitly:
int i(m); // OK, explicit conversion
i = m; // Error, implicit conversion