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Rails STI routing

I've got an article model which uses STI. The sub classes are emotions, categories, gateways etc...

In my routes I've got

resources :emotions, :controller => 'articles'
resources :categories, :controller => 'articles'
resources :gateways, :controller => 'articles'

This makes all the different sub classes available at /articles/108 or emotions/108 or categories/108 - it doesn't matter which subclass you stick at the front they all work for all articles.

I would like all my url helpers to produce links to articles/id - at the moment they still go to the particular sub class.

How would I go about doing this?


  • If article is the base class of another derived class like gateway (class Gateway < Article), then maybe just use the urls generated by resources :articles. It should be possible to use the articles helper article_path(gateway) since the subclasses are derived from the base class.