I'm trying to build a method where I pass a month and can then query for the previous month dynamically.
last_month = month - 1
companies = Company.where("created_at BETWEEN '#{last_month}' AND '#{month}')
return companies.count
How do I pass the method 'month' in a way where I can dynamically determine the last month using Ruby on Rails?
My suggestion: accept a date rather than a month.
month_previous = date - 1.month
companies = Company.where("created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?, '#{month_previous}', '#{date}')
return companies.count
Current month:
Time or day one month ago:
(Time.now - 1.month).month
(Date.today - 1.month).month
...also equivalent to:
Time.now.month - 1
Date.today.month - 1
Previous month for any given date:
@date - 1.month
I would personally build your method to accept a date rather than just a month number. As long as the created_at field is storing dates, you'll need to give the query two dates for it to run, even if those dates are the 1st.