i have a web app built on code igniter framework on the top of nginx , fastcgi and mysql
i have a payout table . table structure is here.
in this table , country names , perminutecost vs are stored and nearly 56,373 records on it.
in main page , there is a form that requests user to type his cellphone number to retrieve perminute cost.Btw i am using auto-complete feature as user types in
here is my backend code:
$str holds user input(cellphone number)
$ret = true; $count = 3;
$sub = substr($str,0,$count); //9053
$ret = R::getAll("SELECT Destination,PerMinuteCost FROM `payout` WHERE `Prefix` REGEXP '^$sub(.)*$' LIMIT 0 , 30");
$sub = substr($str,0,$count-2);
$ret = R::getAll("SELECT Destination,PerMinuteCost FROM `payout` WHERE `Prefix` REGEXP '^$sub(.)*$' LIMIT 0 , 30");
return $ret[0];
this code lets me get perminutecost from a cellphone number.(the table holds just prefixes not all the cell phone numbers)
i did some modifications on nginx and fastcgi to extend timeout limits
but when too much people use the service at the same time , mysqld cpu usage is getting over 100% ,
how could i improve this algorithm ?
I think just a LIKE '$sub%' would be faster than regex and it might be better for your db if they are not autocompleting until 3 numbers.
Post some example SQL output if you put "EXPLAIN" at the beginning of the sql outside of this script.