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How can javascript (or a browser extension) detect the use of restricted functions?

I'm developing a scripting extension, similar to Greasemonkey or Chrome's content-script engine. This extension will allow script writers to do very dangerous things like access local files.

If I ever release this extension to the public, I would like it to be able to warn novice users if a script will use a "dangerous" function. I'd like this warning to be as hard to circumvent as possible.

For example, the extension can search for the protected string GM_openSQL_Connection and warn the user -- maybe like this:
Bad script warning

Assume that the base web page will never be able to access GM_openSQL_Connection thanks to sandboxing mechanisms. Likewise, no <script> node will be able to.

But, the script writer could still circumvent the simple search, from above, with something like:

eval (decodeURI ("GM_op%65nSQL_Connection (...);") )

So the question is what are the kinds of ways in which an evil scripter can fool the check for restricted function usage, and how might I prevent such mischief?

Note: false warnings can be okay. For example if the script author uses the text "GM_openSQL_Connection" in an otherwise static string, then he will just have to put up with the (false) warning.


  • What are the ways in which an evil scripter can fool the check for restricted function us[age]?

    There are thousands of combinations, for example, with eval(), new Function(), combinations of String.fromCharCode() and decodeURI() (like in your example).

    How might I prevent such mischief?

    Could you overload/shadow specific bad functions/objects/variables?

    GM_openSQL_Connection = function() {

    To set a flag if the extension attempts to access a forbidden function or variable, simply have a var isDangerous = false which is set to true if a forbidden function is called or the get/set on a forbidden property is accessed/modified.

    If the isDangerous is true, then you can mark that extension as potentially having dangerous function/property calls/accesses.