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Semantic Rules / Abstract Syntax Tree Rules

First of all, are the Semantic Rules and Abstract Syntax Tree Rules the same?

Now, if i have a language specifications, and i have CFG, then how do i go about constructing Abstract Syntax Tree Rules. Any source is appreciated. Thanks.


  • "Abstract Syntax Tree" Rules (this is strange terminology) might be interpreted as those rules that shape the construction of the abstract syntax as parsing proceeds. These are usually written, in a grammar rule for a nonterminal T, as constructors over abstract syntax trees produced by parsing the subsidiary phrases of T. If

     T = '(' A ';' B ')' ;

    is a grammar rule, an AST constructor for T might be


    implying the construction of a T node with children being the ASTs constructed for the A and B subparses.

    Semantic Rules are constraints that the program must meet to be legal, beyond the mere syntax. So one can construct an abstract syntax tree (from "rules"); doing so only demonstrates the program is syntactically correct. But the abstract syntax can say things that are simply nonsensical semantically, e.g.,

      "declare s as function; ...  s=7; ..."

    The only way to check this in general is to walk over the abstract syntax tree, collecting facts locally (e.g., "s is a function" is a fact extracted from the declare statement; "s is assigned an integer" is collected from the assignment) and propagating those facts until the they meet and are shown to be (in)compatible.