I am working to try and incorporate Amber into Wink for Oauth and running into an error on the custom Handler. I have created a HandlerFactory, RequestHandler, and added the wink-properities.properties configuration as well as modified the web.xml with the properties file location.
The error is related to my HandlerFactory class to load the RequestHandler:
public List<? extends org.apache.wink.server.handlers.RequestHandler>
getRequestHandlers() {
return Arrays.asList(se.influen.wink.handler.OauthRequestHandler);
Here is the error:
wink/handler/OauthHandlersFactory.java:[15,44] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol : class handler
Is there something I am missing to get this custom handler to work? Or is there a better way to incorporate Amber into a Wink application? At the current time I am doing nothing more than attempting to get the handler to generate a response.
The goal is to add Oauth2 security into the Wink application.
What is se.influen.wink.handler.OauthRequestHandler
According to the method signature you should return instance of class, so new
may help:
public List<? extends org.apache.wink.server.handlers.RequestHandler> getRequestHandlers() {
return Arrays.asList(new se.influen.wink.handler.OauthRequestHandler());