A third party application I'm using (Knime) hangs when using Java for Mac 1.6.0_29 (Java for OS X Lion Update 1). In the user forums of that app, it is recommended to use version 1.6.0_26.
Sadly, I got a fresh install, so there are no previous Java versions installed in my computer to downgrade to.
I've been looking for a while and still cannot find out how to install a previous version of Java for Mac OS X Lion.
Any ideas?
This might help: - Register for a (free) Developer account at Apple: http://developer.apple.com/programs/register/ - Go to Downloads: http://connect.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MemberSite.woa/wa/downloads - Click Developer Tools on the right-hand side - Scroll down until you see Java for Mac OS X 10.7 Developer Package - this should include 1.6.0_26.
As an alternative, you can download the 10.6 Java Update 5 from the same page and use these instructions to replace your current installation: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20100123192950640