I made an application that extracts records from an SQL Select to Excel.
I would like to change the number formatting of the excel columns before saving. I made the EXCEL OLE Object then writes data on to it
Excel_Sheet.Cells[i + j,k] = s_col
I would like to change the number format depending on the column type. I already know how to get the column type but have no luck in changing the number format.
I used these: to make the headers Bold and change the width depending on the data using AutoFit.. All I've found in the internet:
Excel_Sheet.Range(s_into_row + String(j) + ":" +s_into_col + String(j)).Select
Excel_Obj.Selection.Font.Bold = True
Excel_Sheet.Columns(s_into_row + ":" + s_into_col ).EntireColumn.AutoFit
I am using powerbuilder
I haven't worked with Powerbuilder but have you tried something like
Excel_Sheet.Columns(s_into_row).NumberFormat = "0.00"