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What is the best way to perform branching using Intel SSE?

I'm writing a compiler and I have to output code for branching conditions on float values. For example, to compile this kind of code:

if(a <= b){
    //1. DO something
} else {
    //2. Do something else

When a and b are float variables. I just need to jump to 2 if the condition is not true, else fall to 1. I'm considering here optimization at the compiler level considering what's in 1 and 2.

I need something that works with all the comparison operators >, >=, <, <=, == and !=

A way I found to make the comparison is to use CMPLTSD (and other equivalent instructions for other relational operators). But with that, I have to use a SSE register especially for the result and then I have to move its value on a general purpose register (eax for example) and finally compare the value with 0.

I also saw that the UCOMISD instruction should set the flags correctly, but apparently it doesn't work the way I thought.

So, what's the best way to handle code like that? Is there better instructions than the first solution I have?

By best, I mean, the general solution to this problem. If possible, I would like to have code behave the same way as when doing comparisons on integers (cmp a, b; jge label). Of course, I would prefer the fastest instructions to achieve that.


  • The condition codes for ucomisd do not correspond to signed integer comparison codes, but to unsigned ones (with "unordered" in the parity flag). It's a bit strange, I admit, but all clearly documented. The code if you actually want to branch could be something like this for <=:

      ucomisd a,b
      ja else     ; greater
      jp else     ; unordered
      ; code for //1 goes here
      jmp end
      ; code for //2 goes here

    For <:

    jae else   ; greater or equal
    jp else    ; unordered

    I could list them all if you really want but you can just look at the condition codes for ucomisd and match them to what jump you need.