I started creating a custom library that i would load for checking if user is logged in and also for registering users. Registration not started yet, but that's not important...
here's the problematic part.. it WON't set cookies:
$some_value= 'asd';
$some_cookie_array = array(
'name' => 'some_name',
'value' => $some_value,
'expire' => 86500,
'secure' => TRUE
here is the full code for now: codepad.org/FILlq2qR
This is how i call the library and check if user is logged in:
$login_data = $this->user_management->login();
Any help is more than welcome!
Someone on the CodeIgniter Forum helped. The reason was that I was using 'secure' => TRUE
which is only for https.