I use GDataDB as online INI file to save user's settings on "clouds". I use single spreadsheet like below:
username create update expire amount
3600001 20120303 20120303 20180303 9
3600001 20120303 20120303 20160303 9
3600020 20120301 20120303 20190505 14
I wonder what happens at concurrent writes/updates. I mean is it safe? What do you think?
Here are the codes: As you see it's a low chance to access the file at the same time but I ask for future reference, to see it can be used or not on heavy -not to much- read-write operations. Or can I implement a lock mechanism?
public class License
public string username { get; set; }
public string create { get; set; }
public string update { get; set; }
public string expire { get; set; }
public double amount { get; set; }
private static void Main(string[] args) {
string myaccount = "xxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com";
string mypass = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
string spreadsheet = "licence";
string username = "03600001";
double amount = 9.0d; //bucks
int extend = 1; //year
// create the DatabaseClient passing my Gmail or Google Apps credentials
IDatabaseClient client = new DatabaseClient(myaccount, mypass);
// get or create the database. This is the spreadsheet file
IDatabase db = client.GetDatabase(spreadsheet) ?? client.CreateDatabase(spreadsheet);
// get or create the table. This is a worksheet in the file
// note I am using my Person object so it knows what my schema needs to be
// for my data. It will create a header row with the property names
ITable<License> table = db.GetTable<License>(spreadsheet) ?? db.CreateTable<License>(spreadsheet);
var license = new License();
IList<IRow<License>> rows = table.FindStructured(String.Format("username={0}", username)).OrderByDescending(o => o.Element.expire).Take(1).ToList();
if (rows == null || rows.Count == 0)
//add new
license.username = username;
license.create = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
license.update = license.create;
license.expire = DateTime.Now.AddYears(extend).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
license.amount = amount;
IRow<License> row = rows[0];
DateTime expire = DateTime.ParseExact(row.Element.expire, "yyyyMMdd", null);
row.Element.expire = expire.AddYears(extend).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
row.Element.update = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
row.Element.amount = amount;
As far as I know there should be no problem. Of course, since there is no built-in locking mechanisms, the last update to a particular cell will win, unless you implement a locking mechanism yourself.