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JQ Mobile Collapsible - want to do something when collapsible expands..cant figure out how to fire it

I have several pages with multiple collapsibles on them. When one is expanded, I want to close all the others. I have read that I need to use .trigger('expand') and .trigger('collapse') to dynamically open and shut... BUT HOW do I fire an event when a collapsible is actually opened?

I thought MAYBE the click event... $('#myExpandable').click() -- no go. I tried to bind .bind('expand', function() {} ); -- no go... And I tried .live('expand', function() {} ); .. all to no avail.

Can someone clue me in here?



  • You can bind to the element's expand event, and then trigger a collapse event on the rest of the collaspibles:

    //since we don't know when the page will be injected into the DOM,
    //we can bind to it's elements once it's been added to the DOM and is about to be initialized
    $(document).delegate('#my-page-id', 'pageinit', function () {
        //cache each of the collapsible elements in a variable
        var $collapse = $(this).find('[data-role="collapsible"]');
        //bind to each collapsible's `expand` event
        $collapse.bind('expand', function () {
            //when a collapsible is expanded, collapse all the others on this page

    Here is a demo: