I have dirtree working with emacs, its very good. The only issue I have with it is that I want to be able to resize the partition between the directory structure on the left and the file I am editing on the right.
I have done some googling around the issue but have not managed to find anything. I am new to emacs so the explanation may need to be in somewhat layman's terms.
Hover your mouse over the status line between the two windows, you can drag to resize.
With the point in the dirtree buffer press C-{ to shrink the window or C-} to expand it. These commands work one column at a time, if you want to repeat it use C-x z. i.e.
C-{ C-x z z
to shrink by 3 columns.
To change the stepping, use a prefix argument
C-2 C-} C-x z z
will expand by 2 columns 3 times.