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Prototypal OO with Object.create and named constructors

I'm coming to Javascript from a background in Python and Smalltalk, and I appreciate the linage of Self and Lisp in the language. With ECMAScript5, I wanted to try my hand at prototypal OO without the new operator.


  • optional new operator to create classes
  • prototype chain must be correct for instanceof
  • named constructors for WebInspector debugging support
  • alloc().init() creation sequence like Objective-C and Python

Here is my attempt at the implementation to meet the criteria:

function subclass(Class, Base) {
    "use strict";
    function create(self, args) {
        if (!(self instanceof this))
            self = Object.create(this.prototype);
        var init = self.__init__;
        return init ? init.apply(self, args) : self;
    if (Base instanceof Function) Base = Base.prototype;
    else if (Base===undefined) Base = Object.prototype;

    Class.prototype = Object.create(Base);
    Class.prototype.constructor = Class;
    Class.create = create;

    Class.define = function define(name, fn) { return Class.prototype[name] = fn; };
    return Class;

And it seems to work in a simple mockup:

function Family(){return Family.create(this, arguments)}
subclass(Family, Object);
Family.define('__init__', function __init__(n){; return this;});

function Tribe(){return Tribe.create(this, arguments)}
subclass(Tribe, Family);
function Genus(){return Genus.create(this, arguments)}
subclass(Genus, Tribe);
function Species(){return Species.create(this, arguments)}
subclass(Species, Genus);

Using the class as a factory function:

var dog = Species('dog');
console.assert(dog instanceof Object);
console.assert(dog instanceof Family);
console.assert(dog instanceof Tribe);
console.assert(dog instanceof Genus);
console.assert(dog instanceof Species);

Or using the new operator:

var cat = new Species('cat');
console.assert(cat instanceof Object);
console.assert(cat instanceof Family);
console.assert(cat instanceof Tribe);
console.assert(cat instanceof Genus);
console.assert(cat instanceof Species);

console.assert(Object.getPrototypeOf(dog) === Object.getPrototypeOf(cat))

Have I overlooked needed features of prototypal OO in my implementation? Are there Javascript conventions or interactions I should make changes for? In summary, what are the "gotcha"s here, and are there any obvious improvements to be made?

I wanted to be DRYer with the constructor definitions, but I found that a function's name property is not writable, and that is what supports the WebKit Inspector's object names. I was able to construct an eval to accomplish what I wanted, but... yuck.


  • Edit: Oh I see the question now. Answer: no, you got it exactly right. The only way to set the name of a function is when using a function declarations, which means at evaluation time. Thusly you need to have it in the source code (which eval is the back door into). I answered a simpler question previously but with the same gist: Minor drawback with Crockford Prototypical Inheritance. Another resource on this topic is

    There is movement to use the displayName property in order to divorce the unchangeable name of a function from it's debugger appearance. This is implemented in Firefox and some other stuff, and is a strawman for inclusion in es6 but as of yet not part of the tentative spec:

    Here is a paper from some people working on Chrome about the topic of naming functions

    And here is the chromium issue discussing why it's not implemented yet:

    Onto original answer:

    What you set out to accomplish, you've done it well. A couple examples of similar type stuff I've done:

    First is a simple 'heritable' function which allows you to do stuff like:

    var MyObjCtor = heritable({
      constructor: function MyObj(){ /* ctor stuff */},
      super: SomeCtor,
      prop1: val,
      prop2: val,
    function heritable(definition){
      var ctor = definition.constructor;
      Object.defineProperty(ctor, 'super', {
        value: definition.super,
        configurable: true,
        writable: true
      ctor.prototype = Object.create(ctor.super.prototype);
      delete definition.super;
        var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(definition, prop);
        desc.enumerable = false;
        Object.defineProperty(ctor.prototype, prop, desc);
      function construct(){
        var obj = new (ctor.bind.apply(ctor, [].concat.apply([null], arguments)));;
        return obj;
      construct.prototype = ctor.prototype;
      return construct;

    The other is in creating structs for use with libffi (node-ffi). Essentially here you have both constructor inheritance and prototype inheritance. You create constructors that inherit from constructors, which create instances of structs.

    The use of eval is required in order to create a named function, so that's that if you need a named constructor. I have no qualms about using it where needed.