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How to convert 12 hours time to 24 hours time in j2me?

I am getting time from server it's like this


This time in 12 Hours format. I applied some operation on this string and I separated all times. Now I have four strings like following

(aftr1=> 12:00PM  aftr2=> 3:00PM)  (evng1=> 7:00PM  evng2=> 10:30PM)

Now I want to convert them in 24 hours time, because I want to check the time which was entered by user it is between afternoon time 12:00pm to 3:00pm or in evening 7:00pm to 10.30pm.

Or any other idea how to complete this task in j2me?


  • Easy, from 1pm until 11:59pm you add 12 hours. Then from 12:00am until 12:59m you subtract 12 hours.

    To accomplish this in J2ME use the String parsing tools as the normal Java utility SimpleDateFormat does not exist in the API.

    String date = "12:00PM";
    if (date.indexOf("PM")!=-1)//its pm
        int pmindex = date.indexOf("PM");
        int separator=date.indexOf(":");
        int hour = Integer.parseInt(date.substring(0, separator));
        int minute = Integer.parseInt(date.substring(separator+1,pmindex));
        hour = hour+12;
        System.out.println("Time is: " + hour);