Say we have a slot without :initform
(defclass foo ()
((x :reader x :initarg x)))
How can I check if slot x of an instance of foo is bound?
There is a way to do this with MOP, which I find very ugly. Is there an easier way?
I'd rather resort to:
(defclass foo ()
((x :reader x :initarg x :initform nil)))
and just check if it is nil or not -- in which case x may never be nil (ambiguous).
search for all symbols with SLOT
in package CL
CL-USER 1 > (apropos "SLOT" "CL")
SLOT-MISSING (defined)
SLOT-VALUE (defined)
SLOT-BOUNDP (defined)
SLOT-EXISTS-P (defined)
WITH-SLOTS (defined macro)
SLOT-UNBOUND (defined)
I would guess that SLOT-BOUNDP does what you want. By looking at the Common Lisp HyperSpec we can verify this: