My class header:
public class GraphEdge implements Comparable<GraphEdge>{
/** Node from which this edge starts*/
protected Point from;
/** Node to which this edge goes*/
protected Point to;
/** Label or cost for this edge*/
protected int cost;
My compareTo method:
public int compareTo(GraphEdge other){
return this.cost-other.cost;
but Eclipse gives me the error:
The method compareTo(GraphEdge) of type GraphEdge must override a superclass method
whyyyyy? I tried just doing Comparable, with
public int compareTo(Object o){
GraphEdge other = (GraphEdge) o;
return this.cost-other.cost;
but this also failed.
Most likely your project is set to Java 1.5 compliance level - try setting it to 1.6 and it should work. Don't have Eclipse here to test, however I remember that when set to 1.5 I could not use @Override on interface (but could on class) method overriding. This worked OK when set to 1.6.
I.e. this should fail when set to 1.5, but work OK when on 1.6:
interface A {
void a();
class B implements A {
public void a() {
So try it: