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Blackberry touchscreen event clashing

I have

    if(eventCode == TouchEvent.DOWN)
    if(eventCode == TouchEvent.MOVE)
    if(eventCode == TouchEvent.UP)
    if(eventCode == TouchEvent.GESTURE)
        if (gestureCode == TouchGesture.PINCH_END)

The problem is that a Pinch, fires DOWN -> GESTURE -> UP

The Events DOWN MOVE UP are used for dragging the map around.

Where as Pinch is for zooming in/out.

How can I keep them separate?


  • Using PINCH_BEGIN. I set a global myMode variable that tells it its in pinch mode. So MOVE and UP Cannot fire.

    And then on pinch up, reset the mode.

    if(eventCode == TouchEvent.DOWN)
        mode = 1;
    if(eventCode == TouchEvent.MOVE && mode == 1)
    if(eventCode == TouchEvent.UP && mode == 1)
        mode = 0;
    if(eventCode == TouchEvent.GESTURE)
        if (gestureCode == TouchGesture.PINCH_BEGIN)
           mode = 2;
        if (gestureCode == TouchGesture.PINCH_END)
           mode = 0;

    This way for MOVE it runs :

    DOWN -> MOVE -> UP

    and pinch runs:


    (PINCH_BEGIN executes before MOVE is attempted to be called. And so is overriden by the new mode)