I want to make my DIV element to be able to click and go to the detail page with the ID as a query parameter data to my server. I have found some examples of possible uses I can use, example :
<div style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="document.location='http://www.google.com'">Foo</div>
It's just that I was confused would like to add the above script into the code that I built.
Part of my code :
for ( var i = 0; i < response.length; ++i ) {
str = response[i].judul;
str2 = response[i].waktu_mulai;
str3 = response[i].channel_code;
var Year,Month,Date,Time,Strip,Join= ""
var Year = str2.substr(0,4)
var Month = str2.substr(5,2)
var Date = str2.substr(8,2)
var Time = str2.substr(-8,8)
var Strip = str2.substr(4,1)
var Join = Date+Strip+Month+Strip+Year+' '+Time
listItem = document.createElement('div');
listItem.setAttribute('data-bb-type', 'item');
listItem.setAttribute('data-bb-img', 'images/icons/logo/'+str3+'.png');
listItem.setAttribute('data-bb-title', str);
listItem.innerHTML = Join+" WIB";
container = document.createElement('div');
if (bb.scroller) {
Maybe someone can help me use the link on each DIV additions made by looping my application from database.
Using just this will solve your problem I think:
<element>.setAttribute('onclick','doSomething();'); // for normal browsers
<element>.onclick = function() {doSomething();}; // for IE
where you can replace 'doSomeThing();' with your own wanted code eg. : "document.location='http://www.google.com'"
If you want to make it more dynamic, you can also just call a function:
<element>.setAttribute('onclick','myFunction();'); // for normal browsers
<element>.onclick = function() {myFunction();}; // for IE
Where myFunction:
function MyFunction() {
var called_id = this.id;
var call_url = "http://myurl.com/page?id="+called_id;
document.location = call_url;
return; //superflous