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Excel VBA ComboBox DropDown Button Size--changed itself

I have a workbook with several comboboxes (and listboxes) and a lot of vba written around them. I've used the same code in the Workbook_Open procedure to format them for weeks, without any major trouble.

Last night I remoted-desktopped in to my work computer (for the 2nd time ever) to edit some other parts of the code (nothing that touched the box properties at all). At one point after a while, the formatting of all the boxes, list and combo, went crazy. The right side scroll bars on the list boxes got huge, and huge scroll bars appeared at the bottom of them too. And the Dropdown button on the comboboxes got huge too--as wide as the box just about.

I closed and reopened Excel, and all the boxes went back to their former happy state, except for one, which still has a dropdown button as wide as the box. My vba formatting code doesn't help. Rebooting the computer doesn't help. I compared the properties window for two boxes that should be identical (except for name and left position), and nothing is different there.

So is there anyway I can tame, reset, or otherwise control this renegade dropdown button? I wish I wasn't even in Excel dealing with this kind of unpredictable behavior, but I'm stuck.

Here is my formatting vba:

    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(c_stMatrixSheet).OLEObjects(c_stMatrixTypeBox)

        .Width = 120
        .Top = 14
        .Left = 878

        Call FormatComboBox(.Object)

        .Object.AddItem c_stAMatrix
        .Object.AddItem c_stBMatrix
        .Object.AddItem c_stCMatrix

        .Object.Text = c_stAMatrix

    End With


Private Sub FormatComboBox(bxComboBox As msforms.ComboBox)

    With bxComboBox


        .Height = 19.5
        .Font.Name = c_stDropBoxFont
        .Font.Size = 10
        .AutoSize = False
        .Enabled = True
        .Locked = False

        .Placement = xlFreeFloating

    End With

End Sub


  • You've run into the problem of using ActiveX controls on Worksheets, I've had the same problem and it is intermittent and randomly does it.

    The only way I've found to truly fix things is to use forms controls. These are much more stable on worksheets although hidden from intellisense unless you choose to show hidden objects. They are also quite flexible and offer a good deal of functionality - unless you need events as they don't fire them.