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VBA Characters.Delete string over 255 characters

I want to delete parts of a string that is over 255 characters, while keeping the formatting in the cell the same. The question is related to this - the answer provided doesn't cover text that is over 255 characters, but since the issue is stand-alone, I think it merits its own question.

For demonstrative purposes, I want to delete 'lobortis' from the end of following text.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vulputate tellus enim, at sagittis felis lobortis at. Sed porttitor porttitor congue. Integer a ornare ante. Mauris a pellentesque tortor, non malesuada mauris. Duis rutrum lectus vitae lobortis non matrum 

Here's the code that does the trick for text less than 255 characters.

Is there a way to do this for text that is over 255 characters?

Sub ModifyTextSingleV2()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim cell As Range
    ' Define worksheet
    Set ws = Workbooks("workbook1").Sheets("Sheet1")
    ' The cell where the text is
    Set cell = ws.Cells(1, 1)
    ' Delete 'non matrum' from the cell << doesn't work, but would work if it were below 255 characters.
    cell.Characters(259, 10).Delete
End Sub


  • Spent far to long getting this right so I though I'd add it here:

    Option Explicit
    Sub tester()
        Dim ws As Worksheet, c As Range
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Formatting")
        Set c = ws.Range("A1")
        ws.Range("A8").Copy c  'copy from source cell (for testing only)
        ReplaceInFormattedCell c, "lobortis", ""
        Stop 'review and F5 to continue...
        ws.Range("A8").Copy c  
        ReplaceInFormattedCell c, "lobortis", "lobo"
        ws.Range("A8").Copy c  
        ReplaceInFormattedCell c, "lobortis", "lobolobolobolobo"
    End Sub
    Sub ReplaceInFormattedCell(c As Range, wd As String, wdRep As String)
        Dim map, txt, pos As Long, wdLen As Long, wdRepLen As Long, found As Boolean
        wdLen = Len(wd)
        wdRepLen = Len(wdRep)
        pos = InStr(1, c.Value, wd, vbTextCompare)
        Do While pos > 0
            found = True
            Debug.Print "Found at:", pos
            If IsEmpty(map) Then map = CharMap(c) 'need to create formatting map?
            txt = c.Value
            c.Value = Left(txt, pos - 1) & wdRep & Mid(txt, pos + wdLen, Len(txt))
            AdjustFontMap map, pos, wdLen, wdRepLen 'adjust map to reflect changes to cell content
            pos = InStr(pos + wdLen, c.Value, wd, vbTextCompare)
        If found Then ApplyCharMap c, map 'apply map if we made any changes
    End Sub
    'apply a font properties mapping array to cell `c`
    Sub ApplyCharMap(c As Range, map)
        Dim i, t, p, pNum As Long, v, prop
        t = Timer
        p = FontProps()
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        For i = 1 To Len(c.Value)
            With c.Characters(i, 1)
                For pNum = 1 To UBound(p) + 1 'loop properties
                    prop = p(pNum - 1)        'property name
                    v = map(i, pNum)          'property value
                    CallByName c.Characters(i, 1).Font, prop, VbLet, v
                Next pNum
            End With
        Next i
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        Debug.Print "Applied map in", Timer - t
    End Sub
    'Map font properties per-character for cell `c` and return as
    ' a 2D array
    'Optimixed to skip per-character checks if a property is the same
    ' for the whole content.
    Function CharMap(c As Range)
        Dim map, i, t, p, pNum, defProps, prop
        t = Timer
        p = FontProps()
        ReDim map(1 To Len(c.Value), 1 To UBound(FontProps) + 1)
        ReDim defProps(1 To UBound(p) + 1)
        For pNum = 1 To UBound(p) + 1 'check all font properties at the cell level
            prop = p(pNum - 1)
            defProps(pNum) = CallByName(c.Font, prop, VbGet)
        Next pNum
        For i = 1 To Len(c.Value)
            With c.Characters(i, 1)
                For pNum = 1 To UBound(p)
                    prop = p(pNum - 1)
                    If IsNull(defProps(pNum)) Then 'mixed values in cell?
                        map(i, pNum) = CallByName(.Font, prop, VbGet)
                        map(i, pNum) = defProps(pNum) 'all same value for cell...
                    End If
                Next pNum
            End With
        Next i
        Debug.Print "Created map in", Timer - t
        CharMap = map
    End Function
    'font properties to track
    Function FontProps()
        FontProps = Array("Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "Strikethrough", _
                          "Size", "Color", "Name")
    End Function
    'Adjust 2D array font character mapp to account for replacing a word at a specified location
    '   map      = 2D array of character font properties
    '   startPos = row where first character in search word was found
    '   wdLen    = length of search word
    '   repLen   = length of replacement word
    Sub AdjustFontMap(ByRef map, startPos As Long, wdLen As Long, repLen As Long)
        Dim newMap, ub As Long, ubNew As Long, n As Long, i As Long, r As Long
        Dim iNew As Long, diff As Long, adding As Boolean, editPos As Long
        diff = repLen - wdLen     '# of rows to add (diff>0) or remove (diff<0)
        If diff = 0 Then Exit Sub 'no work to do....
        ub = UBound(map, 1) 'current size
        ubNew = ub + diff   'new size
        adding = diff > 0     'adding row (or removing)
        editPos = IIf(adding, startPos + wdLen, startPos + repLen) 'changes begin here
        ReDim newMap(1 To ubNew, 1 To UBound(map, 2)) 'size output array
        For r = 1 To editPos - 1 'before any changes
            CopyRow map, r, newMap, r
        Next r
        i = editPos
        iNew = editPos
        'handle changes
        For n = 1 To Abs(diff)
            If adding Then
                CopyRow newMap, iNew - 1, newMap, iNew 'copy previous row
                iNew = iNew + 1
                i = i + 1   'removing, so just increment row index
            End If
        Next n
        For r = iNew To ubNew 'rest of rows
            CopyRow map, i, newMap, r
            i = i + 1
        Next r
        map = newMap 're-assign reference
    End Sub
    'copy a row from one 2D array to another (or to the same array)
    Sub CopyRow(arrSrc, rwSrc As Long, arrDest, rwDest As Long)
        Dim c As Long
        For c = 1 To UBound(arrSrc, 2)
            arrDest(rwDest, c) = arrSrc(rwSrc, c)
        Next c
    End Sub

    My source cell (A8 in Sub tester):

    Source cell with formatted text