Possible Duplicate:
How to get IntPtr from byte[] in C#
I'm reading strings from memory with
byte[] array =
reader.ReadProcessMemory((IntPtr)address, (uint)255, out bytesReadSize);
and then I'm converthing this array to string.
I've got a problem now coz under the address 003A53D4 in program's memory there is a pointer, which points to a string. How can I get string's address? Thanks :)
IntPtr pointers_address = new IntPtr(module_base_address + 3822548);
byte[] pointer_arrays =
reader.ReadProcessMemory(pointers_address, (uint)16, out bytesReadSize2);
IntPtr pointer_for_string = new IntPtr();
Marshal.Copy(pointers_array, 0, pointer_for_string, 16);
It says (about 4th line):
Value cannot be null. Parameter name: destination
and when I change new IntPtr() to new IntPtr(1) it says
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
You can use an Encoding.GetString()
to convert the bytes to a string. Which encoding to use depends on the encoding of the string, e.g. Encoding.UTF8.GetString(pointer_arrays, 0) for UTF8 encoding, Encoding.Unicode for unicode, Encoding.ASCII for ASCII or Encoding.Default for the default code page of your system.