I am having an issue with some Jquery script that I have and I hope that someone can point me in the right direction.
I have a region that is initially hidden but upon being clicked it displays it's contents, clicked again it hides it's contents. Within this region are a series of hyperlinks. The trouble I am facing is that, when these links are clicked, instead of redirecting elsewhere the container is closing again. I can see why this is occurring but I am unsure how to fix it.
The Function:-
function toggleDisplay(itemToToggle, itemHeightOpen, itemHeightClosed) {
function () {
$(this).animate({ 'height': itemHeightClosed }).addClass('minus');
function () {
$(this).animate({ 'height': itemHeightOpen }).removeClass('minus');
The Call:-
var heighttomatch = $('#inlineSummaryWrapper').height() + 28;
toggleDisplay('#inlineSummary', '1.2em', heighttomatch);
The html:-
<div id="inlineSummary" class="displayToggle">
<div id="inlineSummaryWrapper">
<a href="/mylink">the link</a>
I did try to wrap "The call" inside of a click action targeted at the H2 but that had a weird effect with the container opening and closing by itself, so I'm not sure what to do.
This happens because the click
event on the link propagates. You can stop it with event.stopPropagation()
function toggleDisplay(itemToToggle, itemHeightOpen, itemHeightClosed) {
$(itemToToggle).find('a').click(function (e) {