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how do i update progressbar in ObjectListView or XPTable?

i was searching for a listview that can embed some controls like progressbar and i found

  • ObjectListView
  • XPTable
    but im so confused about on which tool should i use for my application .. both of them are different but it seems that XPTable is simple more than ObjectListView

    i choice XPTable but i can't figure out how to update the progressbar . i've read all of the tutorial .. and searched the samples.. there's nothing about updating that progressbar. help please.

  • Solution

  • i've figured out the solution

    public void UpdateProgressBar(int value)
            if (InvokeRequired)
                this.Invoke(new Action<int>(UpdateProgressBar), new object[] { value });
            table1.TableModel.Rows[0].Cells[1].Data = value;