I am trying to extend Plot.java in a Jython class and use "setSize() and setButtons()" methods in Plot.java in Histogram.py subclass. However, I cannot do so I get the error that global variable setSize() is not defined. Can someone tell me what the problem is?
class Histogram(Plot):
dataset = 0;
def __init__(self):
theJFrame = JFrame();
theJFrame.setSize(400, 350); #outer box
setSize(self,350, 300); #graph window
setButtons(self,true); #buttons to print, edit, etc.
setMarksStyle(self,"none"); #do not show marks at points
Dave Newton is right, but also note that Jython exposes Java setters and getters as properties, so self.size = (350, 300) works as well (and is a little prettier to the eyes of a Python developer). To save a little typing, you can even call the setters from the JFrame constructor itself like so:
theJFrame = JFrame(
size = (400, 350) #outer box
See: http://www.jython.org/jythonbook/en/1.0/GUIApplications.html for more detail.