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How to use ProgressMonitor window without losing focus on the main JFrame?

I don't know how to do that, because ProgressMonitor window is self-invoked (after 2 seconds, if necessary) and I don't have any control when and if it will open. Therefore I don't have a clue how to make it open in background, so the focus stays on the main JFrame.

MyFile file = panel.getFilesystem().getFile(panel.getDirectory()+fileName);
    final ProgressMonitor monitor = new ProgressMonitor((Component)event.getSource(), 
            "Determining the size of "+file.getName(), "Initializing...", 0, 100);
    final DirectorySizeWorker worker = new DirectorySizeWorker(file, table, monitor, table.getSelectedRow(), 2);
             new PropertyChangeListener() {
                 public  void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
                     if ("progress".equals(event.getPropertyName())) {
                         monitor.setNote((Integer)event.getNewValue() + "% completed");

monitor is monitoring behaviour of worker. worker is a SwingWorker implementation trying to deremine the file size (in this particular case file is a directory, that's why I assume it may take a long time and use a SwingWorker), if it takes too long monitor invokes a new window with progress bar and notification about the progress. Problem is that this window is focused on and I would rather like it to be opened in background, so the user can still browse files (the program is a simple file manager).


  • ProgressMonitor(parentComponent, message, note, min, max)


    parentComponent - the parent component for the dialog box

    The dialog will have focus when it is visible, then should return focus to the parent when dismissed or set invisible.