I have string which rich text content
something like this for example
<p> Christian </p>
<pre> Don't Know what to do </pre>
Now I want dont want script to be present in the above content and if present esape it
so If I have content which look like this
<p> Christian </p>
<script type="text/javascript"> alert("Hello")</script>
<pre> Don't Know what to do </pre>
Need to be replace with
<p> Christian </p>
<script type="text/javascript"> alert("Hello")</script>
<pre> Don't Know what to do </pre>
I have currently developed regex for it
so my code look something like this
if content.match(/<script(.+?)>/) {
content = content.replace(content.match(/<script(.+?)>/)[0],content.match(/<script(.+?)>/)[0].replace("<","<").replace(">",">"))
if content.match(/<\script\s*>/)
content = content.replace(content.match(/<\/script\s*>/)[0],content.match(/<\/script\s*>/)[0].replace("<","<").replace(">",">"))
so the result content will have script tag escaped
Can anyone suggest me cleaner way to achieve this?
content = content.replace(/<(script[^>]*|\/script)>/g, '<$1>');
However, this is probably not the way to go about this. Why are these <script>
tags in the JS string in the first place?