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Building A Log Reader with PHP RecursiveTreeIterator

I have this dir structure for logs


I want to be able to use PHP's RecursiveTreeIterator to be able to display a tree having actual php files(not dirs) as links to display the file contents.

Using the first answer in this question as a guide: Sorting files per directory using SPL's DirectoryTreeIterator

I am new to most of PHP 5's SPL so I need some help here. How do I build the tree? Thanks!


  • As an alternative to the links I provided in the comments already:

    you can also extend the TreeIterator's current() method to provide additional markup:

    class LinkedRecursiveTreeIterator extends RecursiveTreeIterator
        public function current()
            return str_replace(
                    '<a href="%1$s">%1$s</a>',
    $treeIterator = new LinkedRecursiveTreeIterator(
        new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('/path/to/dir'),
    foreach($treeIterator as $val) echo $val, PHP_EOL;

    The above will print the regular ASCII tree the TreeIterator prints but will wrap the filename into hyperlinks. Note that $this->getInnerIterator()->current() returns File objects, so you can access any other file properties, like filesize, last modified, etc, as well.