Search code examples

how to use primary key with jqGrid and jsonReader

I've looked at several posts but don't understand how to use jsonReader. I would like to keep my primary key hidden when editing, adding. If I make my permissionID editable:false or hidden it wont edit.

Any help or direction to other posts would be great and very appreciated. thanks

Here is my code:

            url:'Users2.cfc?method=getUsers', //CFC that will return the users
            datatype: 'json', //We specify that the datatype we will be using will be JSON
            colNames:['Bill To Code','User ID', 'GL_comp_key', 'Branch ID', 'Warehouse ID', 'Final Approver',  'Active', 'Primary Approver', 'Administrative','Secondary Approver','permissionID'], //Column Names
            //The Column Model to define the data. Note you can make columns non sortable, specify width, alignment, etc.
            colModel :[
                {name:'ar_bill_key',index:'ar_bill_key', width:125, sorttype:"text",editable:true,searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','lt','le','gt','ge','bw','ew','cn']},
                {name:'userID',index:'userID', width:125, align:"left",sorttype:"text",searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','bw','ew','cn']},
                {name:'gl_cmp_key',index:'gl_cmp_key', width:125, align:"left",sorttype:"text",searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','bw','ew','cn']},
                {name:'so_brnch_key',index:'so_brnch_key', width:125, align:"left",sorttype:"text",searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','bw','ew','cn']},
                {name:'so_whs_key',index:'so_whs_key', width:125,align:"left",sorttype:"text",searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','bw','ew','cn']},
                {name:'final_approver',index:'final_approver', width:125,align:"left",sorttype:"text",searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','bw','ew','cn']},
                {name:'active',index:'active', width:125,align:"left",sorttype:"text",searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','bw','ew','cn']},
                {name:'primary_approver',index:'primary_approver', width:125,align:"left",sorttype:"text",searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','bw','ew','cn']},
                {name:'admin',index:'admin', width:125,align:"left",sorttype:"text",searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','bw','ew','cn']},
                {name:'secondary_approver',index:'secondary_approver', width:130,align:"left",sorttype:"text",searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','bw','ew','cn']},
            ],//searchoptions parameter is used to limit the operators available during search
            pager: $('#pager'), //The div we have specified, tells jqGrid where to put the pager
            rowNum:20, //Number of records we want to show per page
            rowList:[20,30,40,50], //Row List, to allow user to select how many rows they want to see per page
            sortorder: "desc", //Default sort order
            sortname: "ar_bill_key", //Default sort column
            viewrecords: true, //Shows the nice message on the pager
            imgpath: '/images', //Image path for prev/next etc images
            caption: 'Permissions', //Grid Name
            recordtext: "Record {0} - {1} of {2}",//Pager information to show
            rownumbers: true,//Show row numbers
            rownumWidth: "30",//Width of the row numbers column
            sortable: true,
            height:'auto', //I like auto, so there is no blank space between. Using a fixed height can mean either a scrollbar or a blank space before the pager
            toolbar:[true,"top"], //Shows the toolbar at the top. We will use it to display user feedback
            //The JSON reader. This defines what the JSON data returned from the CFC should look like
            jsonReader: {
                root: "ROWS", //our data
                page: "PAGE", //current page
                total: "TOTAL", //total pages
                records:"RECORDS", //total records
                userdata:"USERDATA", //Userdata we will pass back for feedback
                cell: "", //Not Used
                ar_bill_key: "0" //Will default to first column
            editurl:"Users2.cfc?method=addeditUser" //The Add/Edit function call                
                search:true,searchtitle:"Search",//title set for hover over display
                edit:true,edittitle:"Edit User",
                add:true,addtitle:"Add User",
                del:false,deltitle:"Delete User"
        // Edit Options. savekey parameter will keybind the Enter key to submit.
        {editCaption:"Edit User",edittext:"Edit",closeOnEscape:true, savekey: [true,13],errorTextFormat:commonError
            ,reloadAfterSubmit:true,bottominfo:"Fields marked with (*) are required",top:"60",left:"70",width:500}, 
        {width:500,addCaption:"Add User",edittext:"Add",closeOnEscape:true,savekey: [true,13],errorTextFormat:commonError,
            reloadAfterSubmit:true,bottominfo:"Fields marked with (*) are required",top:"60",left:"70"}, //Add Options
        {url:"Users2.cfc?method=delUser",caption:"Delete User",closeOnEscape:true,errorTextFormat:commonError,top:"60",left:"70",
            reloadAfterSubmit:true}, //Delete Options
         //Search Options. multipleSearch parameter lets it know we are going to use the new advanced search feature
        {errorTextFormat:commonError,Find:"Search",closeOnEscape:true,caption:"Search Users",multipleSearch:true,closeAfterSearch:true}

        //Function will be called when add/edit encounters an error. The returned message is what will be shown to user 
        function commonError(data)
            return "Error Occured during Operation. Please try again";



  • If I understand correct your question you want just that permissionID will be send during editing, but you not need to display it somewhere.

    I suppose, that your original problem that you don't specify which id should has the rows of the grid. The JSON input should contain the id. If you use cell: "" setting in the jsonReader you have to specify the id of the row in one from the two ways:

    • you included key: true property in the definition of the column 'permissionID'. In the case you don't need to mark the column editable (you can remove editable:true).
    • if you never need to display to the user the column 'permissionID' you can remove column 'permissionID' and just include in the jsonReader the property id: "10". If I calculated correct you placed the primary key permissionID as the 10-th position. In the case the value of permissionID will be saved only as the id of the rows (<tr> elements) of the grid. The id will be always send in all edit operations.