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Build android apk with apache buildr

Trying to build my android project with Buildr (Apache), but can't find any info on how to do it, and my attempts all fail. A example buildfile or a "no it dosent work" answer would be good :)


  • We have generated android packages with buildr.

    1. You have to call the aapt code generator before compiling. There is an example in the buildr wiki how to hook up a source generator.

      system( @aapt, "package", "-m", "-J", to, "-M", _("AndroidManifest.xml"), "-S", _("res"), "-I", @androidjar, from )

    2. For the apk we have a custom package task, which calls dx, aapt and apkbuildr

      system( @aapt, "package", "-f", "-M", ("AndroidManifest.xml"), "-F", apkdir + "/resources.ap", "-S", _("res"), "-I", @androidjar )

      system( @apkbuilder, apkdir + "/" + projectname + "signed.apk", "-z", apkdir + "/resources.ap", "-f", apkdir + "/classes.dex", "-d", "-rj", _(:target, "libs"))

      system( @apkbuilder, apkdir + "/" + projectname + "unsigned.apk", "-z", apkdir + "/resources.ap", "-f", apkdir + "/classes.dex", "-u", "-rj", _(:target, "libs"))