I have two JTables filled with data on a JPanel. An user is trying to delete a row from one of the tables by selecting the row and clicking on the "delete" button. The problem for me is how to figure out which one of the two JTables was focused the last ( user could click on row in table 1 then on row in table 2, then "delete" and I want to delete row from table 2 ). I would see it maybe this way:
tables have added ListSelectionListener that fires event valueChanged, when a row is selected, but now I have to somehow notify the component that contains those two tables which one was selected the last
Does anyone know how can I solve this? And please if u could deliver some example code it would be greatly appreciated.
You can use the 'getSource' method of the event you're receiving to work out which table generated the event. For example,
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
if (e.getSource() == jTable1.getSelectionModel()) {
System.out.println("Event occurred in table 1");
} else if (e.getSource() == jTable2.getSelectionModel()) {
System.out.println("Event occurred in for table 2");