I'm going to extract values from this XML/RDF:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<j.0:Chiesa rdf:ID="turismoCulturale_POI_880">
<j.0:title xml:lang="en">Church of S. Giuda Taddeo or S. Onofrio - Gaeta</j.0:title>
<j.0:title xml:lang="it">Chiesa S. Giuda Taddeo o S. Onofrio - Gaeta</j.0:title>
I would like to get en title when I am in "en" language and "it" title otherwise. I am able to set the title value in the Poi bean by using:
Digester digester = new Digester();
digester.setNamespaceAware( true );
digester.setRuleNamespaceURI( "urn:turismoculturale.itdc.filas-1.0.0-RC1#" );
digester.addObjectCreate( "*/Chiesa", Poi.class);
digester.addBeanPropertySetter("*/title", "title");
but I don't know if it is the english title or the italian one.
Ok - first and foremost, don't try to parse RDF/XML with an XML parser. It's never going to work because the semantics of the XML document are irrelevant with respect to RDF/XML and it is a bad idea (if you know how RDF/XML works), especially in your case where the RDF/XML is being generated dynamically (you can tell by the namespaces). You need to use an RDF parser to parse RDF.
So that means don't use an XML to Java object mapping tool, use an RDF to Java Object mapping tool.
Here is a great link explaining how to do this:
And another:
Along with links to all the tools in the aforementioned resource:
For an out and out RDF parser, look at Jena:
It's an Apache project that is also nicely Maven'ed up.