The project is based on PRISM.
I've got a main region in the TabControl
in the Shell.
<!-- Main Region : A tab control -->
<TabControl prism:RegionManager.RegionName="MainRegion" >
Then, I've got several Modules
where all of them contains the same views. And must be added to the tab control region.
| |_ViewA
Check please the image. In tab ModuleA
, it shows in the left of the tab content ViewA
, and the right is a generic view because all the tabs must show the same UI.
How can I do this?
I guess 'lecrank' already answered the question. There's no problem to add Region inside other Region or View. What I did in my project:
function every Module register it own Regions with it own View, etc, etc...So feel free to define and implement Regions and Views in another modules - just pass somehow the IRegionManager and IEventAggregator instances into Module class.