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calling Batch file in VBA not working properly

I'm trying to create a program that can be used by other people. Currently, my files are in the directory C:\Documents and Settings\jpmccros\Desktop\test

This directory contains my macro.xlsm, names.bat, and another sub-directory called Data.

The batch file names.bat does the following:

cd data

dir/b/o:n > names.txt

This does exactly what I want it to do. When I open the batch file (which is in the directory C:\Documents and Settings\jpmccros\Desktop\test\, the MS DOS Command Prompts starts in C:\Documents and Settings\jpmccros\Desktop\test\ then runs my commands and makes my file names.txt, and puts it exactly where I want it.

When I open up macro.xlsm and run the macro1, it calls the batch file to open.

This is my macro command:

Dim names_txt, names_bat, full_name, filename, folder As String
Dim position As Integer
Dim pathcrnt As String
full_name = ThisWorkbook.FullName
filename = ThisWorkbook.Name
position = InStr(1, full_name, filename, 1)
position = position - 1
folder = Left(full_name, position)

names_bat = folder & "names.bat"

Shell names_bat, vbMaximizedFocus

Now here is my problem: The macro actually opens the batch file, or at least it opens the MS DOS Command Prompt. However, when it opens the batch file, the initial directory is:

C:\Documents and settings\jpmccros\My Documents

I need this batch file and macro to be dynamic, therefore I need the batch file to open up its displaying directory. What's going on with this? Is there a command I can write on my batch file? Is it something in VBA?


  • Your method of accessing the batch file using activeworkbook.path works. The VBA code finds it, relative to its current location, and opens it.

    However, the issue I was having was once VBA opens the batch file, the command prompt starts in the directory C:\Documents and Settings\jpmccros\My Documents\ every time.

    Your method does not bypass this issue. I did create a solution (and used your activeworkbook.path idea too). Instead of calling my batch file, I simply create one in VBA and print out a line cd var_activeworkbook.path & "\data". This way, I was able to have VBA search for the current directory and save it as a variable.

    Check it out:

    Dim pathcrnt As String, batch_file As Integer
    pathcrnt = ActiveWorkbook.Path
    batch_file = FreeFile()
    Open pathcrnt & "names.bat" For Output As #batch_file
    Print #batch_file, "cd " & pathcrnt & "\data"
    Print #batch_file, "dir/b/o:n > names.txt"
    Print #batch_file, "pause"
    Close #batch_file
    Shell pathcrnt & "names.bat", vbMaximizedFocus