I need to profile ruby gems memory usage. https://stackoverflow.com/a/164206/391229 suggests using system call to measure memory footprint, so ended up with aliasing require
method and gathering stats.
The top of the startup script (in my case it's /usr/bin/padrino
$memstat = {}
$memusage = `pmap #{Process.pid} | tail -1`[10,40].strip.to_i
$memstat['base'] = $memusage
alias :old_require :require
def require *args
result = old_require *args
oldmem = $memusage
$memusage = `pmap #{Process.pid} | tail -1`[10,40].strip.to_i
delta = $memusage - oldmem
$memstat[args[0]] ||= 0
$memstat[args[0]] += delta
The event after loading everything (Padrino.after_load
stat = $memstat.select{ |k,v| v>0 }.to_a.sort{ |a,b| a[1]<=>b[1] }
summ = 0
stat.each do |row|
summ += row[1]
puts "#{row[1].to_s.rjust(7)} KB: #{row[0]}"
puts summ.to_s.rjust(7) + ' KB'
The output I'm getting on invoking padrino console
2120 KB: redcarpet.so
2184 KB: socket.so
2220 KB: etc
2332 KB: addressable/idna/pure
2740 KB: strscan
2992 KB: haml/buffer
3508 KB: pathname
4240 KB: psych.so
4252 KB: digest.so
6028 KB: /home/ujif/swift/admin/app.rb
6292 KB: zlib
6704 KB: readline
9116 KB: openssl.so
12408 KB: do_mysql/do_mysql
28164 KB: base
145648 KB
Is there any way to dig into base
Is there any cleaner approach to measure gems memory footprint on MRI ~> 1.9.2?
Any hints on improving my code?
Yep, it is the ruby stack. Try
$ irb
>> `pmap #{Process.pid} | tail -1`
You got a similar result.
Mine is: 144512K
Instead if you run:
$ ruby -e 'system "pmap #{Process.pid} | tail -1"'
You a fewer value: 27788K (mine)
So to inspect better what's happen go back to irb
$ irb
>> puts `pmap #{Process.pid}`
When you need to track padrino
deps load your lib inside irb
$ cd my_padrino_project
$ irb -r /path/to/my/lib.rb
>> require_relative 'config/boot'
and check your results.