I have a question. I was using faye, for updating part of page for all clients at this page. But I am woundering. How can I make updating part of the page only for specific users. In my case, I want to notify user about new message. But I dont know how to do this. I only know how to notify all people on certain page. For example , in my post model I have create js
<% broadcast "/posts/new" do %>
$('#posts_list').prepend('<%= escape_javascript(render(@post)) %>');
$("#posts_list li:first").hide().fadeIn("slow");
<% end %>
and broadcast function is
def broadcast(channel, &block)
message = {:channel => channel, :data => capture(&block)}
uri = URI.parse("http://localhost:9292/faye")
Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, :message => message.to_json)
also i had a faye client and code
$(function() {
var faye = new Faye.Client('http://localhost:9292/faye');
faye.subscribe("/posts/new", function(data){
(all this was done according to the railscast.)
In what way I need to think? Thanks in advance!
I found the way to solve this problem. Gem private pub(https://github.com/ryanb/private_pub) help to do this. Each user have in layout
<%= subscribe_to "/messages/#{current_user.id}" %>
and when somebody sends message. In action.js( in my case - create.js) I did this
<% publish_to "/messages/#{@message.receiver.id}" do %>
...some js code, in my case jquery notification plugin usage
<% end %>
and this works great for me.