I have a simple JavaScript file, color.js
, and a matching spec file, colorSpec.js
function Color()
describe("color", function() {
it("should work", function() {
new Color(255, 255, 255);
When I run jasmine-node colorSpec.js
, I get the following exception:
ReferenceError: Color is not defined
How can I get Jasmine to load my color.js
file before running colorSpec.js
you could load your color.js in the colorSpec.js with a require(). I dont see how jasmine can guess all the dependencies without you telling jasmine what they are exactly in your spec file. Edit : A quick and dirty solution , but maybe there is something builtin Jasmine to do that :
fs = require('fs')
myCode = fs.readFileSync('./color.js','utf-8') // depends on the file encoding
then your class should be available with jasmine
if you call require directly on your file i think you need to create a module and export it