I want the checkbox only to be rendered, if the label is not empty.
render="#{!empty myController.form.model.XField1}"
simple="false" />
XField1 is a String, XFieldChecked1 is a Boolean. It does not work, it always shows the checkbox, even if the string is null or "".
In that case, the output is (removed some attributes for clarity):
<table border="0" summary="" class="af_selectBooleanCheckbox" id="modelXField3__xc_">
<td nowrap="" class="af_selectBooleanCheckbox_label"></td>
<td valign="top" nowrap="" class="AFContentCell">
<span id="modelXField3__xc_c" class="af_selectBooleanCheckbox_content">
<input type="checkbox" value="t" name="modelXField3" id="modelXField3">
<label for="modelXField3"></label>
As for every other JSF UI component, the attribute name is rendered
, not render