I"m using Awesomium to try and implement webpages inside my windows form application.
I've used the the awesomium .NET samples but I just don't get the my tab with my homeurl.
When I run my project the status bar is floating inside my form and nothing else happens.
Anyone know where I can get a tut on how to do this or know what could be the problem?
public Laboratory() {
WebCoreConfig webConfig = new WebCoreConfig() {
SaveCacheAndCookies = true,
HomeURL = "http://www.google.com",
LogLevel = LogLevel.Verbose
// Using our executable as a child rendering process, is not
// available when debugging in VS.
if (!Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName.EndsWith("vshost")) {
// We demonstrate using our own executable as child rendering process.
// Also see the entry point (Main function) in Program.cs.
webConfig.ChildProcessPath = WebCoreConfig.CHILD_PROCESS_SELF;
#region methodes
#region OpenTab
internal WebDocument OpenTab(string url = null, string title = null) {
WebDocument doc = String.IsNullOrEmpty(url) ? new WebDocument() :
String.IsNullOrEmpty(title) ? new WebDocument(url) : new WebDocument(url, title);
return doc;
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) {
I've redone the left panel completely and used the other example that was with the download, that works like a charm. It's very basic but that'll do for now.