I try to concatenate the formatted contents of some cells with a formula.
As I cannot see a way to solve it with a pure formula I add some basic code.
But I cannot figure out how to access the formatted text value out of the single cells.
It seems that oCell isn't a cell object, instead it is only the cell content.
How do I could change this, so I can use something like oCell.Text or oCell.String ...
Function StringSumme(oCellRange )
dim result as String
dim nRow as Integer
result = ""
For nRow = LBound( oCellRange, 1) To UBound( oCellRange, 1 )
For nCol = LBound( oCellRange, 2) To UBound( oCellRange, 2 )
result = result + oCell
StringSumme = result
End Function
In Excel this one works
Function StringSumme(bezug As Range) As String
Dim txt As String
Dim ce As Range
txt = ""
For Each ce In bezug.Cells
txt = txt & ce.Text
StringSumme = txt
End Function
I think I understand your question now.
When you type this
Function StringSumme(oCellRange)
oCellRange is not a range. It is an array which is being passed. And hence oCell isn't a cell object, instead it is only the cell content as you right guessed.
You might want to change it to something like
oCell = Sheet.getCellByPosition(X, Y)
and then use oCell.Value
Interesting Read