I'm at a bit of a loss here, forgive me if this has already been asked - i've have searched google high and low but i cant find anything?
i'm trying to rotate a group of sprites that are generated in a class, then rotating this object in the main gamescene on a menuitem click but the rotation is not at the center of the sprite? it a some larger area probably the layer size?
I've tried setting the anchorpoint to every possible combination?
Here is what iv got
This is the gamecharacter.h
#define COMPUTE_X(x) ((abs(x)) * 16) + (16*2) + (16/2)
#define COMPUTE_Y(y) (386 - (abs(y) * 16)) + (16/2)
#define COMPUTE_X_Y(x,y) ccp( COMPUTE_X(x), COMPUTE_Y(y))
// Game character class
#include "cocos2d.h"
using namespace cocos2d;
//a class to encapsulate playable game character by creating a group of sprites etc..
class GameCharacter : public CCNode {
//some private methods etc....
void addSprite(const char* filename);
void setInitialPosition(CCPoint* position);
//Various other methods.........
void GameCharacter::addSprite(const char* filename)
//go get the sprite sheet
CCTexture2D* gameArtTexture = CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()->addPVRImage("SpriteSheet.pvr.ccz");
CCSprite *tempBlock = CCSprite::spriteWithSpriteFrameName(filename);
void GameCharacter::setInitialPosition(CCPoint* position)
//loop through the positions and set the character up
CCArray *children = this->getChildren();
CCSprite *currentBlock;
for (int i=0;i<7;i++){
currentBlock = (CCSprite*) children->objectAtIndex(i);
//compute x y grid positions (1,1) ---> to real (72,394)
This is the gamecharacter.cpp
void GameScene::AddCharacter(CCPoint* position)
const char* filename;
GameCharacter* character = new GameCharacter();
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
filename = helperFunctions::Format("character%d.png",i+1); //character1.png -> character7.png
this->addChild((CCSprite*) character,-1,2);
_sprite = character;
//here is the menuitem click handler
void GameScene::menuRotateRightCallback(CCObject* pSender)
//rotate the character right
//really slowly so we can see whats happening
Ive figured it out, looking at the docs for CCNode made me think.
CCNode has a position of (0,0) by default, so the rotation was using this as an origin.
Setting the position to the center of where i want the character with a bit of maths to calculate the offsets works for me.